Exciting Update! New App project

Exciting Update!
Back on 5/10 We posted a "wrap-up" update for the Beaconeer™Lite and informed you that we had moved on to new project.
Actually we revisited an earlier app project begun in 2016 called “TPEP Eclipse 2017 and Beyond”, an Android app with 40 words in English and Spanish, relating to Eclipses and other Astronomical objects.
The goal was to use this app as a “template” for future apps, to encourage A+ English Competency, Bilingual Proficiency, and Civic Engagement.
However, at that time in 2016/2017, there was no cross-platform coding tool, accessible to youth learning, that enabled us to create the iPhone counterpart. All of that changed in 2020 with the availability of Thunkable X.
So, here we are, just three weeks later! Not only did we complete an updated 2024 Android version, to be uploaded soon to Google Play, we have completed the iPhone version also.
We submitted the IOS version GAE2024Beta2 to App Store on 5/28 at 2:35, and by 5:53, the same day, we were approved by App Store for Test Flight beta-testing!!! By comparison, during the entire 2020 Beaconeer™Lite submission process, this rapid response was unheard of!
GAE2024Beta2, upon AppStore approval, will serve as a “template” for so many other apps that will provide endless learning and interning opportunity for youth & young adults. Our success will be a community success!
So, once again we need iPhone Test Flight beta-testers. We need YOU!
And remember, it’s easy-peasy! Just download the Test Flight app to your iPhone.
Then click on this link to test. https://testflight.apple.com/join/iZQ0xpM9
This beta- test is for iPhones only. iPads are not supported.
For this test, youth 10+ can test the app too, once a parent or guardian accepts the EULA!
GAE2024Beta2 is what is referred to as a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). It doesn’t have all the bells and whistles yet. We’ll do that later. We just want to get GAE2024Beta2 on App Store, with as little push back as possible!
So, GAE2024Beta2 contains just the three core features:
· 40 Words, relating to the STEM topic, in English and Spanish (or other languages to be added) with audio pronunciation – relevant to the topic
· Safely View the Total Solar Eclipse – A screen with animation, game, or quiz screen relevant to the topic
· History Makers - relevant to the STEM topic
After testing, please go to this link to complete a short SURVEY https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSckgP2ZlMF.../viewform...
Thank you Beta-Tester!
Great American Eclipse 4/8/2024 Trajectory Animation. One of the points of totality will occur at Niagara Falls! Dare to prepare to be there!

Great American Eclipse 2024 App for Android/iPhone
F. Avery, co-developer
P. Kelly, co-developer

P.S. We definitely haven't "thrown in the towel" on BeaconeerLite for iPhone. It's an important personal safety communications app. We will revisit Appstore submission once the iPhone 8 issue is resolved. For full details see our 5/10 blogpost https://beaconeerus.blogspot.com/2021/05/5102021-update-on-beta-testing.html


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