Update on the iPhone Beaconeer™

Update on iPhone Beaconeer™. It's forthcoming everyone, just not in 2019 as we had hoped! We are targeting 1st quarter 2020! BTW, we aren't the only "grassroots" app developer who has faced challenges in getting an iPhone app to market! We will have quite a story to tell at the partay! 

Meanwhile, we are re-dedicating our efforts to promoting our current version to the 62%+ of Android mobile phone users in the U.S.  Increased Android downloads will help boost our efforts to get the iPhone version of The Beaconeer™ accepted on iTunes. So, be sure to tell friends and family to download the app! 

Thanks for your support and following! 

HAPPY NEW YEAR! #BeaconeerApp #GPS #SMS #Text #Beaconeer2020 #emergencycommunications 

Google Play


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