Update on Beta Testing 3/20/2021
Hi! We continue to need beta-testers for additional survey feedback! We’ve had good response on GPS accuracy, testing within a radius of 16ft to 105ft under most indoor and outdoor conditions. However, we've been made aware of some issues: Some iPhone 8 users are unable to send “beacons” to Android phones. Some iPhone 11 users are getting a “white screen” after accepting the EULA. Therefore we need more iPhone 11 beta testers to determine why this is happening and to fix it! That's why beta-testing and YOU, as beta-testers are so important! Your feedback is CRUCIAL! Please remember to complete the survey (link below) after testing. THANK YOU! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc5YVo4c7QTD964DvjrqUELBE1rAymQfrTap6XMPmFcuZ2iHA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&gxids=7628 www.Beaconeer.US